I have an affinity for the fraternity and sorority houses at the University of Illinois. The campus has enamored me from the first time I saw it in the early 1990s as a Province President for the Pi Beta Phi chapter. Later, while doing research for my dissertation, I would walk the campus admiring the beautiful houses. In writing the histories of several GLO chapters, I always tried to get a tour of the houses I was writing about, to get a sense of the history of the building.
My Alpha Gam friend Nann sent me this link this morning and some of you might find it interesting.

Miss USA Competition Airs Tonight
Tonight, Miss USA 2018, Sarah Rose Summers will crown Miss USA 2019. Summers represents Nebraska, and she is a member of Zeta Tau Alpha, from the Texas Christian University chapter. There are at least 13 sorority women competing tonight.
Giving Feedback and Doing It Well
If you need a good way to spend 51 minutes (or 35 minutes if you listen to podcasts as my daughter does, on Alvin the Chipmunk mode). Erin Fischer is dedicated to making this world a better place and she does it fabulously.