Walter Carr was excited to be starting a new job with Bellhops, a moving company in Alabama. When his car broke down the day before he was to report for his first day, he made the decision to walk the 20 miles between home and the job site. He left home around midnight and at 4 a.m., he was stopped by police. When he told them his story, they took him to Whataburger and bought him breakfast and a lunch to take with him. When he finally made it to the job site via another ride in a patrol car, and the story was told to the homeowners, they couldn’t believe that he had walked most of the way. Homeowner Jenny Hayden Lamey wrote a facebook post about it and it went viral. When the CEO of Bellhops, Luke Marklin, heard the story he drove to Alabama from Tennessee and gave his car to Carr. Marklin is an alumnus of the Purdue University chapter of Sigma Chi. He graduated in 2007 with a civil engineering degree and in 2012, he graduated from the Harvard Business School.

Marklin (r) presents the car key to Carr (l).
Kristen Carmin Shelley is the daughter of a dear Pi Phi friend, my assigned roommate at the first Pi Phi convention I attended in 1987. Kristen is an alumna of the Pi Beta Phi chapter at Indiana University. After a number of years in Baton Rouge, she and her husband have returned to Bloomington as owners of the Trojan Horse. I ate there a few months ago and I highly recommend it!