A Life Lost, a Brave and Heroic Pilot, and a Plane Full of Grateful Passengers

I am sitting at the Southwest terminal in Orlando, Florida, waiting for a plane to take me back to St. Louis. My heart breaks for the family and friends of Chi Omega and P.E.O. Jennifer Riordan, who was tragically killed when an engine blew on Southwest flight 1380. She joined Chi Omega at the University of New Mexico and she was a member of P.E.O.’s Chapter X/New Mexico.

On my flight down to Florida, I took note of how little people talk to one another on planes. Earphones here, neck pillows there, small electronic devices everywhere. Reports about flight 1380 and the reaction of the passengers post-engine failure tell of people talking and praying with one another trying to make sense of what happened and how lucky and blessed they were.

Pilot Captain Tammie Jo Shults, one of the first women to fly for the Navy, calmly landed the plane in Philadelphia and then went to personally speak with those who had feared they might never walk off the plane alive. What a wonderful example she is to legions of young women who may someday follow in her footsteps. And what a gift she gave to those survived the ordeal. My prayers are with them all.

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