Araminta “Minta” Morgan McLane was born on May 10, 1868. She taught school for a few years before becoming a librarian. Her first library job was at the State Normal School at Indiana, Pennsylvania (now Indiana University of Pennsylvania). When the Delta chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau chapter was chartered at the school on May 25, 1916, she was one of its members and she served as a chapter patronesses.
McLane became the librarian at Temple University in 1918. While there, she helped established the Lambda chapter in 1919. She attended the 1925 Alpha Sigma Tau convention in Detroit and was appointed a member of the committee to draft a constitution. She was also chosen to assist the first Anchor editor, Louise Glade Bohlen. When the Delta chapter was revived in 1928 after several years of being closed, McLane assisted with the installation.
In 1921, McLane moved to McKeesport, Pennsylvania, where she took a job as the librarian at its Carnegie Library.

Indiana Gazette (Indiana, PA), November 22, 1916
McLane was visiting her sister Josie in East Liverpool, Ohio, when she suffered a stroke. She died on July 30, 1935 at the age of 57. At the time of her death she was organizing an alumnae chapter in Pittsburgh. In a tribute in The Anchor it was said, “Her love for Alpha Sigma Tau girls and the best interest of the sorority was always uppermost in her thought.”