I am always amazed how much activity there is at an airport at 4:30 a.m. I know I have not been very good at passing on news and history of GLOs. My mind is scattered and my time is not my own right now. As I sit here in the St. Louis airport, here are some random news and notes.
Emily Eddington of the Beauty Broadcast YouTube channel is an alumna of the Pi Beta Phi chapter at Monmouth College. Take a look at the name of the wine colored shade of her branded palette that is currently featured by ULTA.


Take a look at the wine color.
Mark Spitz is an alumnus of the Phi Kappa Psi chapter at Indiana University. I suspect many Phi Psis were glued to their television sets 46 years ago.
Last week when I wrote about Aretha Franklin’s death I was unable to find a picture of her with her Delta Sigma Theta sisters. The sorority posted a picture. Franklin’s sorors also held an Omega Omega Service for her on August 28, 2018 at the Charles H. Wright Museum of African-American History in Detroit, Michigan. They wore black with pearls, and many donned a corsage of the sorority’s flower, African violets. At the funeral, Aretha Franklin’s first outfit was the crimson of Delta Sigma Theta, from shoes to dress to lipstick, to honor her sorority affiliation.
Of all the Bid Day posts I’ve read, this one from the Georgia College Delta Gamma chapter was one of the best.
Lyn Harris, Chi Omega’s Archivist just celebrated another trip around the sun. One of her gifts was this one-of-a-kind pair of socks with images of the Chi Omega founders. How fitting a gift!
This plaza highlighting the National PanHellenic Council organizations was dedicated last week at Texas Christian University.
And speaking of the ugly scourge of hazing, there are two new books out that deal with the subject. The first is by Hank Nuwer, a stalwart who began researching the topic in pre-internet days, when research meant long hours in libraries and archives, using the Reader’s Guide to Periodical Literature, heavy books with very small type. In this twitter post, Chad Ellsworth recommends Nuwer’s latest book, Hazing: Destroying Young Lives.
Ellsworth, who endured hazing as a young college student, has just published Building Up Without Tearing Down. I recommend it highly. It is available on the capedcoaching website.