Courtesy of the Boulder Public Library
Carmel LaTorra was born on November 17, 1894 in Boulder, Colorado. She graduated from Mount St. Gertrude Academy, a Catholic school which opened in 1892. According to Boulder Magazine, “a signed certificate of completion from Mount St. Gertrude’s meant automatic acceptance at CU.” There, at the University of Colorado, she became a member of the Delta Zeta chapter.
An accomplished piano and vocal soloist, her musical skills were highlighted in The Lamp of Delta Zeta. The Boulder Area Alumnae Chapter’s 1919 report noted, “An unusually fine musicale was given under the auspices of the Blue Bird Circle April 16, at the home of Mrs. John McLucas. The Misses Carmel Latorra (sic), Carolyn Bergheim, and Marion Klingler gave piano numbers.”
While teaching music at the University of Colorado, she stayed involved with the Boulder Area Alumnae Chapter. In a 1927 Lamp, it was noted that she was “a concert pianist of growing distinction.” She also served as organist and choir director of Sacred Heart Church.
The March 1929 Lamp reported, “A cordial welcome will be given to all Delta Zetas, by Boulder AC. Please call Miss Carmel LaTorra, 907 Elizabeth.” She also served as organist and choir director of Sacred Heart Church.
Miss Carmel LaTorra became Mrs. Clifford C. Chittim in 1932. Her husband was a Boulder lawyer and became an assistant U.S. attorney general. They had two children Claire Louise and Clifford Alfred.
Chittim died of food poisoning on August 22, 1941 at the age of 46. A Requiem High Mass took place on August 25.