October is the month for celebrating Founders’ Days in National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) land. More than a quarter of the NPC organizations celebrate Founders’ Day in October. The NPC groups that celebrate Founders’ Day this month are Alpha Phi, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Alpha Chi Omega, Zeta Tau Alpha, Kappa Delta. Delta Zeta, and Alpha Epsilon Phi.
The 2015 NPC Annual Meeting is over and the gavel has passed from Chi Omega Jean Mrasek to Sigma Kappa Donna Crain King. She will lead NPC for the next biennium. She is the third Sigma Kappa to serve as Chairman; Ethel Hayward Weston served from 1919-21 and Ruth Rysdon Miller was Chairman from 1965-67.
Carol Inge Warren, a Pi Phi friend and a true servant leader, was among those honored at the NPC meeting. She received the 2015 Distinguished Service Award. Carol is a legend in Pi Phi. She is smart as a whip, does whatever needs to be done without fanfare, and if Carol did it, you know it was done correctly and with lots of love. And she has a fun sense of humor, too! I must admit that I am card holding member of the Carol Warren Fan Club, so it is wonderful to see her being honored by her NPC friends.
The Phoenix Alumnae Panhellenic took the Harriett Macht Outstanding Panhellenic Award. I spoke at their meeting last spring and it was great to know that they have been honored for all their hard work. Congratulations Phoenix friends!

Representatives from the Phoenix Alumnae Panhellenic with the Harriett Macht Outstanding Panhellenic Award.
Yesterday was also an historic day for Phi Gamma Delta. At the 46th Convention on October 25, 1894, by unanimous vote, it was decided that the members call themselves “Fijis.”
It was also an important day in the history of Phi Kappa Psi. On October 25, 1879, University of Virginia student Woodrow Wilson initiated by Virginia Alpha chapter of Phi Kappa Psi. On October 25, 1902, 23 years later to the day, Wilson was inaugurated as President of Princeton University. He is the only U.S. President to have earned a Ph.D. His doctorate studies took place at Johns Hopkins University.
This past weekend, we took in a performance of the musical, The Addams Family, performed by students at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. At the Sunday performance, two cast members who are also Alpha Gamma Delta members were honored with the Stuart Fischoff Excellence in Musical Theater Award for Fall 2015. Congratulations Katelin Coursey and Zoe Jensen!
© Fran Becque, www.fraternityhistory.com, 2015. All rights reserved. If you enjoyed this post, please sign up for updates. Also follow me on twitter @GLOHistory and Pinterest www.pinterest.com/glohistory/