Chi Omega, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2025

Chi Omega was founded on April 5, 1895 at the University of Arkansas. Ina May Boles, Jean Vincenheller, Jobelle Holcombe, and Alice Simonds, with guidance from Fayetteville dentist, Dr. Charles Richardson, a Kappa Sigma, created the organization. Dr. Richardson was known as “Sis Doc” to generations of Psi Chapter members (the founding chapter at Arkansas is known as the Psi Chapter) and he is counted as a founder. He crafted Chi Omega’s first badge out of dental gold.

Below are links to posts about previous #WHM profiles. I invite you to learn more about these interesting women.


Marjorie Nicolson, Ph.D., was an initiate of the University of Michigan chapter.

Marjorie Nicolson, Ph.D., Chi Omega, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2024


Aimee Vanneman Higdon was a member of the University of Texas chapter.

Aimee Vanneman Higdon, Chi Omega, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2023


Beryl Bonner Meyers was an initiate of the University of Colorado chapter.

Beryl Bonner Meyers, Chi Omega, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2022


Mary Stewart Howarth was a charter member of the University of Michigan chapter.

Mary Stewart Howarth, Chi Omega, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2021


Helen Joy Hinckley was an initiate of the Colby College chapter.

Helen Joy Hinckley, Chi Omega, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2020


Claudine Van Cleave Mason was an initiate of the Northwestern University chapter.

Claudine Van Cleave Mason, Chi Omega, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2019


Rowena Longmire was an initiate of the Florida State College for Women (now Florida State University) chapter.

Rowena Longmire, Chi Omega, #WHM2018, #notablesororitywomen


Willey Denis was a member of the H. Sophie Newcomb Memorial College (now Tulane University) chapter.

Willey Denis on Chi Omega’s Founding Day, #NotableSororityWomen


Grace Wilkie was an initiate of the University of Kansas chapter.

Grace Wilkie

#WHM – Grace Wilkie, Chi Omega


Lucile and Bess Crouch were initiates of the University of Texas chapter.

The Crouch Sisters, Carnegie Heroes and Chi Omegas


Mary C. Love Collins was an initiate of the Dickinson College chapter.

Mary Love Collins, 1914

April 5, 1895, Chi Omega, and Mary C. Love Collins


An Oprah magazine article I read about members of the Chi Omega chapter at the University of Mississippi. Be forewarned, it is beautifully written and I was in tears by the end of the article.


Diane McCain is an initiate of the Florida State University chapter.

Sharon Galligan was a member of the University of Massachusetts chapter.

On Chi Omega’s Founders’ Day, Another #notablesororitywoman


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