Congratulations graduates! This weekend’s twitter feed has been full of commencement pictures. To commence is to begin. That college days end with a commencement ceremony is important. In finishing a college degree, one begins a new adventure.

From the Dickinson College twitter feed.
At the onset, four years seems like a mighty long time. In a little while, the fraternity and sorority members who are among the graduates, will soon realize that they are among the alumnae and alumni of the organization. (The graduates of the women’s GLOs are alumnae, not alumni). Admit it current GLO members, the alums always seem so OLD! Graduates, the collegiate part of your GLO journey has come to an end. A lucky few have been hired by their respective organizations as traveling consultants. They’ll spend a year visiting chapters, offering advice, and being ambassadors for the organization they represent.
Fraternity and sorority graduates, please note that this is not the end of the membership journey. It is the beginning of your life as an alumna or alumnus. Seize the opportunity to be a part of the alum life of your GLO. If there is an alum club/chapter where you’ll be heading, join it. Give to your organization’s foundation. I know you’re probably strapped for cash and don’t have much money. Give up the cost of two grand venti coffees and send it to your organization’s foundation. Give at least $10 or $20 this year, and a little more the next year. Get in the habit of giving to your GLO.
Work for your organization. It can be as simple as being on the lookout for potential new members. Speak of the good things your organization does. Keep current – read the magazine, visit the web-site, sign up for tweets. Volunteer to work with a chapter, or put your name in the hat for committee work. Every national/international officer once was in the same place you find yourself today.
Best wishes for a happy and healthy life ahead. And remember when you speak of your membership in a fraternity or sorority, say “I am an ABC” not “I was an ABC.”

The tradition of wearing GLO stoles and cords (pictured above) has caught on in the last few decades. The cords are usually intertwined lengths of cording in the GLO’s colors.
© Fran Becque,, 2016. All Rights Reserved. If you enjoyed this post, please sign up for updates. Also follow me on twitter @GLOHistory and Pinterest