Today marks 102 years for Delta Sigma Theta. Happy Founders’ Day! To find out more about the sorority’s fascinating history see and
In yesterday’s column about the Golden Globe Awards, I failed to mention that Miss Golden Globe 2015 was Greer Grammer, a University of Southern California Kappa Kappa Gamma alumna. She the daughter of Kelsey Grammer and Barrie Buckner.
Sometimes writing a letter to a daytime show host can have unexpected and fun consequences. The Delta Gammas at Butler University can attest to this fact. For an explanation of this cryptic sentence see

The Butler University Delta Gammas viewing party for the chapter’s appearance on television as posted on the chapter’s twitter account.
On a much sadder and heartbreaking note, I offer my condolences to the men of Sigma Phi Epsilon, especially the members of the chapter at Southeast Missouri State University (SEMO). Cape Girardeau, Missouri, where SEMO is located, is about 45 minutes from my home. My heart breaks for Bobby Christman’s family, friends and his Sig Ep brothers. This post is from the SEMO Sigma Phi Epsilon Alumni page:
It saddens me to have to notify you that last night one of our undergraduate brothers, Bobby Christman, was shot in a robbery attempt in downtown St. Louis. The gunman entered a vehicle that he and two other teenagers were seated in an attempt to rob a girl of her purse in the backseat. A scuffle took place and Bobby was shot directly in the head. It is a critical brain injury. Our undergraduates have been by his parent’s side at SLU hospital throughout today. This is a tragic event that our undergraduates are having to cope with and endure in Bobby’s darkest hour. The deepest sympathy of our Missouri Zeta Alumni are with his family and our undergraduate brothers. Our thoughts and devotion are with Brother Christman. Please keep him in your prayers.
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