Fannie Rose Shore, better known as Dinah Shore, became a member of Alpha Epsilon Phi at Vanderbilt University and she served as the chapter’s president. Graduating with a degree in sociology she founded the Athenian Sing, an a capella contest between fraternities and sororities.

In a 1940 Vanderbilt yearbook, Fannye Rose Shore is listed as an alumna of the chapter.
Her stage name “Dinah” came from her stint singing on WSM radio, in a day when radio stations created their own content. She sang Dinah, the theme song of the radio show, Rhythm and Romance. It was the song she used at auditions in New York City.

Dinah Shore early in her career.
She had a career on Broadway and in Hollywood. She recorded more than 80 songs which appeared on the song charts. She hosted her own primetime television show, The Dinah Shore Show, in 1951, giving her the distinction of being the first woman to have that experience. She hosted Dinah’s Place, a lifestyle show which was unique for the 1970s, and two other shows.
She died in 1994, days before her 78th birthday.