George Herbert Walker Bush, our 41st President, died yesterday at the age of 94. His wife, Barbara Bush, died this past April.

Mr. and Mrs. George Herbert Walker Bush, 1945.
President Bush became a member of the Delta Kappa Epsilon chapter while he was a student at Yale University.

A 2013 DKE post featuring DKE socks which were sent to the sock loving President.
In 2000, the Bushes traveled to Monmouth, Illinois, where the former President delivered the commencement speech. Jeff Rankin, Monmouth College’s historian, wrote about the visit.
Monmouth College is the founding campus of two of the seven National Panhellenic Conference organizations. Pi Beta Phi was founded there in 1867 and Kappa Kappa Gamma followed in 1870. The two are known as the Monmouth Duo. Mrs. Bush was not yet a Pi Phi when she visited the Monmouth campus, but she became an alumna initiate a few years later.

This photo of the Bushes and the gift basket they received in 2000 is on display at Holt House, the founding home of Pi Beta Phi.
My heartfelt sympathy to the Bush family for their loss.