My dog walking route includes a mimosa tree. At the end of fall, when the leaves were down, I noticed a branch which was no longer attached to the trunk of the tree, but it was held in place by a tangle of vines. Each time I passed the tree, the Beatles’ tune went through my head.
The other day I received an email from a P.E.O. friend who shared with me her President’s letter. A past State President she agreed to take on the President’s job, despite being a caretaker for her ailing husband. Her’s is a lunch time chapter and the hostesses usually provide lunch. Her description of one meeting touched my heart, “At one meeting all three hostesses were not able to function. The hostess had surgery, one co-hostess was in chemotherapy and one had to be out of town. The meeting place was moved to a church. One member said, ‘we can bring our own lunch’. Another said, ‘yes, and we can number each and draw for a lunch.’ The lunches were fantastic and the fellowship and laughter made a great picture story.”
Two facebook posts this morning reinforced the theme, too.

For story, see
A member of the University of Arkansas chapter of Phi Delta Theta, Roger Gordon “Blue” Mhoon II, had battled stage 4 renal cancer. He died on Jan. 26, 2017 leaving his wife, Amanda, and a 4-year-old son Eason. He was a lifelong Chicago Cubs fan. Last summer, a GoFundMe campaign raised $28,000 in one day. The goals was to get the couple to Game 3 of the World Series.
Army Col. Gregg Hammond became a member of the Indiana University chapter of Phi Kappa Sigma. Congratulations Col. Hammond!
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