GLO History in the Time of Plan B

Plan B and Plan C and even Plan D are a part of all our lives right now. Sheltering in place is offering us new opportunities. And I will leave it at that.

My dear friend Lyn Harris, Chi Omega’s Archivist, had plans for a wonderful way to celebrate Chi Omega’s 125th anniversary. It was to have taken place live from the Chi Omega Greek Theater at the University of Arkansas, Chi Omega’s founding home. Alas, Plan B had to be enacted and it was taped in a studio. But it will air at the scheduled time. I invite all of you to join in on the fun. Lyn is a fabulous storyteller. We can help our Chi Omega friends celebrate, even if we wear different badges. After all, who understands us better than each other?


Congratulations to Helen Lahrman, who won the AFLV West 2020 Outstanding Fraternity/Sorority Professional award. She’s a Pi Phi.


I thank those of you who read my profiles of 30 #NotableSororityWomen for Women’s History Month. Finding and profiling these women is sometimes challenging. I get caught up in their lives, so I am glad to hear that others appreciate them.

I’ve been spending my sheltering in place time trying to get 30+ years of collecting and writing about GLO History into some semblance of order. I’ve been featuring pictures of some of my treasures on the @GLOHistory instagram page. I’m also trying to post positive GLO press on the Focus on Fraternity History facebook group. And I am hoping to get to some of the posts I’ve wanted to write since I started this blog.

Be safe, stay safe and please keep advocating for fraternity and sorority life. I sense some challenges in our future.

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