It’s the Friday before Labor Day. There are two things I’ve been meaning to write about all summer and two that fell into my lap yesterday.
Julie Crider Wisbrock became a member of Alpha Chi Omega while at the University of Kansas. After graduation, she became a chapter leadership consultant and then a chapter advisor while working in Chicago. For the past five years she has been a smiling face at Pi Beta Phi’s Headquarters. Julie is currently Pi Phi’s senior director of chapter support. Recently, Julie was named one of Alpha Chi Omega’s Real. Strong. Women of Distinction. Congratulations, Julie! (To see the list of women who were also honored along with Julie, see

Julie Wisbrock
Yesterday, I asked my Facebook friends for suggestions about where to donate funds for Hurricane Harvey flood relief efforts. A whole host of suggestions were made and I went down the list and made good use of my credit card. I suspect those of you who are able to do the same have already done that, too. (Those who read this blog regularly are very nice, generous and giving men and women who wear the badges of GLOs.) The devastation is heartbreaking. Maybe you’ve seen the coverage of “Mattress Mack,” Jim McIngvale, owner of Houston-based Gallery Furniture. McIngvale, a Pi Kappa Alpha, opened his furniture stores to Harvey evacuees because “It was the right thing to do.”
The Southern Illinois University Alumni Magazine rarely, if ever, contains items relating to GLO membership, so this entry caught me by surprise. Congratulations, Thomas Marten!
And from the Treasures from the Archives file, I present to you this precious note from Phi Kappa Psi’s latest magazine.

Pickfair, the home in which Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks, Sr. lived before she married “Buddy” Rogers.