Good Morning, Des Moines!

I was hoping to walk around downtown Des Moines this morning before starting my day. Not happening. It’s raining cats and dogs, with an occasion lightening strike and clap of thunder. What’s more, I failed to pack an umbrella and raincoat.

I suspect I will be exploring the skywalk system in a little while trying to make my way to the Wells Fargo Center where the P.E.O.’s Convention of International Chapter will be taking place.

Yesterday’s drive to Des Moines was uneventful. Before I made it to my hotel, I stopped and saw a Pi Phi friend, Missy Reams who is the Volunteer Coordinator at Bidwell Riverside Center. A month or so she put out a Facebook request to her local friends for clothes hangers for the transitional housing program. In cleaning out my dad’s house, I had bagfuls of hangers without a home. I asked if she still needed them and she said she did. I told her I would drop them off the next time I was in Des Moines.

The Fall 2019 Arrow of Pi Beta Phi arrived in my mailbox on Saturday. In it was an article about Missy. We roomed together at the the first Pi Beta Phi Leadership Institute in a Washington University residence hall. She is an amazing woman doing amazing things!

File this next photo in the :things I never imagined I’d see in a Ladies’ Room. Extra points if you know the photo’s location.

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