Kappa Alpha Theta, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2025

Kappa Alpha Theta was founded on January 27, 1870.  In 1867, 17-year-old Bettie McReynolds Locke [Hamilton] was the first female to enroll in Indiana Asbury University (now DePauw University) in Greencastle, Indiana.  Although the first decision to allow women to attend Asbury was made in 1860, it was rescinded several times with debate following each decision.  She later said of her time as a student, “We were all refined, good girls from good families, and we realized somehow that we weren’t going to college just for ourselves, but for all the girls who would follow after us – if we could just win out.”

Below are links to posts about previous #WHM profiles. I invite you to learn more about these interesting women.

Margaret Sawyer was an initiate of the University of Illinois chapter.

Margaret Sawyer, Kappa Alpha Theta, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2024


Elva L. Bascom was an initiate of the Alleghany College chapter.

Elva L. Bascom, Kappa Alpha Theta, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2023


Dr. Aldora Tyler was an initiate of the Illinois Wesleyan chapter (its charter was later transferred to the University of Illinois).

Dr. Aldora Tyler, Kappa Alpha Theta, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2022


Dora Shaw Heffner was an initiate of the University of Southern California chapter.

Dora Shaw Heffner, Kappa Alpha Theta, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2021


Maurine Dallas Watkins was an initiate of the Butler College (University) chapter.

Maurine Dallas Watkins, Kappa Alpha Theta, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2020


Julia Warner Snow was an initiate  of the Cornell University chapter.

Julia Warner Snow, Kappa Alpha Theta, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2019


Dr. Olga Neymann was a charter member of the Cornell University chapter.

Dr. Olga Neymann, Kappa Alpha Theta, #WHM2018, #notablesororitywomen


Anna Botsford Comstock, Mother of Nature Education and a Kappa Alpha Theta

Anna Botsford Comstock, Mother of Nature Education and a Kappa Alpha Theta


Kappa Alpha Theta and the First Phi Beta Kappa Women at the University of Vermont

The Indiana Asbury graduating class of 1871 included the first four women graduates - Alice Allen, Laura Beswick, Bettie McReynolds Locke, and Mary Euphemia Simmons - in the center of the class composite.

Kappa Alpha Theta and the First Phi Beta Kappa Women at Vermont


Dr. Placida Gardner Chesley was an initiate of the University of Southern California chapter.

Dr. Placida Gardner Chesley, Kappa Alpha Theta, #notablesororitywomen, #WHM2017


Julia Morgan Nearing Kappa Alpha Theta’s 149th was an initiate of the University of California – Berkeley chapter.

Julia Morgan Nearing Kappa Alpha Theta’s 149th


Jessie Baldbridge LeBrecht was an initiate of the University of Kansas chapter.

A Kappa Alpha Theta Grand President on Founders’ Day


Virginia Marmaduke was an initiate of the University of Iowa chapter

“The Duchess” on Kappa Alpha Theta’s Founders’ Day

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