Last week, in celebration of Chi Omega’s Founders’ Day, I had hoped to use this entry from the 28th National Panhellenic Congress meeting which took place in late October and early November of 1943. It was held at the Medinah Club in Chicago. And yes, the National Panhellenic Conference called itself a Congress in 1943.
Mary Love Collins, the idol of Chi Omegas everywhere, chaired the Committee on Progress. However, as I started the post, I was unable to get the pictures off of my phone and onto my computer. My phone and the hotel internet were not cooperating. After several unsuccessful attempts, I went to Plan B and wrote about something else.
These are the books that were considered the “must reads” of the early 1940s for those in the student development field. How many of these are still must reads? And yet, the committee’s beliefs are as true today as they were in 1943, 75 years ago.
L. Pearle Green, Kappa Alpha Theta, and Clementine Newman Militzer, Kappa Delta, joined Collins on the committee.

Mary Love Collins at her cabin in Pennsylvania with her dog, “Frolic,” c 1932 (photo courtesy of Chi Omega Archives)