On my birthday in 2017, I realized that my father’s memory was failing. For 26 months, I lost him in little pieces, mentally and physically, and watching him slide downhill was heartbreaking. He passed away in early March in our home. Parenting a parent was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, but I’d do it again in a heartbeat. I was determined to do my traditional Women’s History Month #NotableSororityWomen posts and I am proud to say that I succeeded in that quest. The writing was therapeutic.
During my father’s decline, I turned down opportunities, postponed others. In a few rare instances made exceptions and crossed my fingers and hoped for the best. After having initially turned down the opportunity to speak at the West Virginia University Pi Phi chapter’s Centennial, I was asked to reconsider and in a moment of weakness I said yes. I am glad I did. It was a bright spot in an otherwise subdued fall. I also managed to make it to Pi Phi’s College Weekend in January, although I gave my husband every opportunity to say “stay home.” He, our sons, and our daughter-in-law pitched in and made my time away a reality. An added bonus was spending time with our daughter at College Weekend since she is an advisor to a Kansas chapter. The time with her and my other Pi Phi sisters was what my soul needed.
I joke that because so many things were put on the back burner during the last year, that burner has its own zip code. Putting one foot in front of the other, I keep plodding along and I offer my heartfelt thanks for the thoughts, prayers and kindnesses shown to me.
When we chose the date for the meeting, I did not know if I would be able to attend. The five hour drive from southern to western Illinois is a familiar one.

Before making it to Holt House, I stopped at Monmouth College for a few minutes. The Stockdale Center honors Navy Vice Admiral James Stockdale. He began his college career at Monmouth College, but finished it at the United States Naval Academy. Stockdale spent seven years as a prisoner of war during the Vietnam War. He became an Alpha Tau Omega when the Epsilon Nu Chapter was rechartered in 1989.

I always sign and browse through the guestbook at Holt House. Kylie Smith is Kappa’s Archivist. Dr. Oz is Mary Osborne, the Museum Specialist at Kappa’s Stewart House. Kylie Smith is currently the President of Ohio State Chapter of P.E.O.

On the way home I stopped at Knox College to snap a few pictures of the newly restored Beta Theta Pi house. My sons are initiates of the chapter.

This morning’s google alerts had this article from The Lafayette. It was another reminder that life is uncertain and we need to live it fully and to the best of our abilities. My heart goes out to Maddie Smart’s family, friends and Pi Phi sisters. College should not be a time to deal with death and dying.