P.E.O.’s 2001 Convention of International Chapter, Nine Days After 9/11

The 75th Biennial Convention of International Chapter (CIC) of the P.E.O. Sisterhood begins this week. Instead of taking place in Portland, Oregon, as scheduled years ago, the convention will be virtual. It’s historic. I suspect the seven P.E.O. Founders could not envision of a convention that one attended without leaving home, buying a new outfit or two, or giving hugs to friends from far and away.

Twenty years ago, the 65th CIC began on September 20, 2001, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The 9/11 attacks of nine days prior stopped us all in our tracks and disrupted plane travel. One can imagine the discussions that took place via phone, maybe email and likely fax, between the Executive Office in Des Moines and the Executive Board regarding the convention. I suspect there was talk of cancelling it, but ultimately the Board led by President Jane Burtis Smith,* made the decision to proceed as planned.

Of the 50 or so state, provincial and district chapters, only 11 arrived without a change in itinerary. The others scrambled to revise transportation plans. The Washington State delegation had a hard pivot when all their flights were cancelled. They had planned to fly to Kansas City first and tour Cottey College, the college in Nevada, Missouri, owned by the Sisterhood. Instead, they spent three 15-hour days aboard a bus. The 4,000 mile trip gave the delegates and officers time to become well acquainted.

The convention proceeded, but according to an attendee, it “brought us to a new level of sharing. P.E.O. hugs were firmer, and many felt that the opportunity to be together had a healing and reassuring effect at a time when were all reminded of our vulnerability.”

Approximately 1,350 delegates, 700 visitors, 250 BILs (husbands/significant others), and 1,000 volunteers from Wisconsin chapters were in attendance.  “Numerous hotel and convention center employees expressed their gratitude that the convention took place as scheduled, “according to The P.E.O. Record post-CIC article.

Convention attire usually consists of stars, P.E.O.’s symbol, and daisies (its flower is the marguerite). The 2001 CIC also featured a plethora of red, white and blue attire as well as U.S. flags and patriotic jewelry.

At the opening session, two officers from state, province and district chapters carry in their flag. When the New York State Chapter president and organizer came down the center aisle, the assembly stood in tribute. Although I was not there, I’ve heard stories about this from many who were. The next day, a  resolution of concern and support for the victims and their families was adopted.

The Washington delegation in front of the bus they road on for three days. (Photo courtesy of The P.E.O. Record)

A year ago, this article was in The P.E.O. Record. I suspect Carol Ashley wasn’t the only P.E.O. whose life was drastically changed on that ninth day of September in 2001. I thank her for honoring her daughter’s memory with this gift to the P.E.O. Foundation. It will help women who are in needs of low-cost educational loans and funds to return to college.

September-October 2020 P.E.O. Record

*Jane Burtis Smith is a Pi Beta Phi. Current President of International Chapter is Brenda Atchison, an Alpha Gamma Delta. The affiliations of Presidents of International Chapter are here.




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