Alpha Xi Delta, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2025

Alpha Xi Delta was founded at Lombard College in Galesburg, Illinois on April 17, 1893. Its founders are Cora Bollinger (Block), Alice Bartlett (Bruner), Bertha Cook (Evans), Harriett Luella McCollum (Gossow), Lucy W. Gilmer, Lewie Strong (Taylor), Almira Lowry Cheney, Frances Elisabeth Cheney, Eliza Drake Curtis (Everton), and Julia Maude Foster. At age 15, Alice Barlett Bruner was the youngest of Alpha Xi Delta’s founders; Eliza Curtis, a 25-year-old widow, was the oldest.

P.E.O. was founded as a collegiate organization at Iowa Wesleyan University on January 21, 1869. Between 1869 and 1902, the P.E.O. members who had been initiated while enrolled at Iowa Wesleyan University stayed active in the college chapter even though they were no longer enrolled in the college. Many remained in or near Mount Pleasant. Others formed chapters in towns and communities where they  moved after graduation. The early P.E.O. chapters that had been formed at nearby schools did not survive and P.E.O.’s growth was in community chapters. The chapter at Iowa Wesleyan University was finding it difficult to operate on a college campus with the rules put forth by the community chapters. 

The Alpha Xi Delta Chapter at Lombard, having made the decision to become a national organization, and the collegiate members of P.E.O., having decided to become a chapter of a Greek-letter organization, discussed the decisions that needed to be made on both sides if there was to be a resolution to these wishes. 

Anna Gillis (Kimble), a member of the Alpha Xi Delta chapter at Lombard College, hailed from Mount Pleasant. Her influence helped the Iowa Wesleyan women make the decision to become the Beta Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta. That event took place on June 9, 1902. 

Below are links to posts about previous #WHM profiles. I invite you to learn more about these interesting women.

Marcia Malone Slavin was an initiate of the West Virginia University chapter.

Marcia Malone Slavin, Alpha Xi Delta, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2024


Ella Lillian Wall Van Leer  became a member of Alpha Xi Delta at the University of California-Berkeley.

Ella Lillian Wall Van Leer, Alpha Xi Delta, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2023


Vetabelle Phillips Carter was an initiate of University of Washington chapter.

Vetabelle Phillips Carter, Alpha Xi Delta, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2022


Dr. Bessie and Anne Pierce were members of the University of Iowa chapter.

Dr. Bessie and Anne Pierce, Alpha Xi Delta, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2021


Mabel Hartzell was a member of the Mount Union College chapter.

Mabel Hartzell, Alpha Xi Delta, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2020


Theo Fenton Bird was a member of the University of Wisconsin chapter.

Theo Fenton Bird, Alpha Xi Delta, #NotableSororityWomen #WHM2019


Alice Babb Ewing was a member of the Iowa Wesleyan University chapter.

Alice Babb Ewing, Alpha Xi Delta, #WHM2018, #notablesororitywomen


Blanche Grand-Maitre was an initiate of the University of Minnesota chapter.

Blanche Grand-Maitre, Alpha Xi Delta, #notablesororitywomen, #WHM2017


Persis Dwight Hannah was a charter member of the Tufts College (now University) chapter.

Persis Dwight Hannah (Photo courtesy of the Tufts College Graduate 1908)

#WHM – Persis Dwight Hannah, Alpha Xi Delta and Reporter


Lulu Runge was a charter member of the University of Wisconsin chapter.

Lulu Runge on Alpha Xi Delta Founders’ Day #NotableSororityWomen


Alice Bird Babb was an alumnae initiate of the Iowa Wesleyan University chapter.

Alice Bird Babb, P.E.O. and Alpha Xi Delta


Anna Gillis Kimble was an initiate of the Lombard College chapter.

Anna Gillis Kimble on Alpha Xi Delta’s Founders’ Day

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Alpha Sigma Tau, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2025

On November 4, 1899, eight young women, Mable Chase, Ruth Dutcher, May Gephart, Harriet Marx, Eva O’Keefe, Adriance Rice, Helene Rice, and Mayene Tracy, formed a sorority at the Michigan State Normal College (now Eastern Michigan University) in Ypsilanti, Michigan. Alpha Sigma Tau was the name they chose. The organization became a national one in October 1925.Below are links to posts about previous #WHM profiles. I invite you to learn more about these interesting women.

Cheryl Ruth Selby Kielczewski was an initiate of the Northeast Missouri State University (now Truman State University) chapter.

Cheryl Ruth Selby Kielczewski, Alpha Sigma Tau, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2024


Louise McNeill Pease, Ph.D., was an initiate of the Concord College (now University) chapter.

Louise McNeill Pease, Ph.D., Alpha Sigma Tau, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2023


Sara C. Yakovac was an initiate of the James Madison University chapter.

Sara C. Yakovac, Alpha Sigma Tau, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2022


Araminta McLane was an initiate of the State Normal School at Indiana, Pennsylvania (now Indiana University of Pennsylvania) chapter.

Araminta McLane, Alpha Sigma Tau, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2021


Allura Exelby Custer was an initiate of the Eastern Michigan University chapter.

Allura Exelby Custer, Alpha Sigma Tau, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2020


Grace Erb Ritchie was an initiate of the Michigan State Normal College (now Eastern Michigan University) chapter.

Grace Erb Ritchie, Alpha Sigma Tau, #NotableSororityWomen #WHM2019


Lucy Morgan was an initiate of the Central State Normal School (now Central Michigan University) chapter.

Lucy Morgan, Alpha Sigma Tau, #WHM2018, #notablesororitywomen


Mildred Doran was an initiate of the Michigan State Normal College (now Eastern Michigan University) chapter. 

Mildred Doren wearing her Alpha Sigma Tau badge upon her flying uniform.

#WHM – Mildred Doran, Alpha Sigma Tau Aviator, #notablesororitywomen


Maxine Mirus was a charter member of Alpha Sigma Tau’s Pi Chapter at Harris Teachers College (today Harris Stowe State University) in St. Louis.

A WAVE on Alpha Sigma Tau’s Founders’ Day


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Alpha Sigma Alpha, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2025

Alpha Sigma Alpha was founded on November 15, 1901, at the State Female Normal School (now Longwood University) in Farmville, Virginia. Its founders had been asked to join some of the other sororities on campus, but they wanted to stay together. The five, Virginia Lee Boyd (Noell), Juliette Jefferson Hundley (Gilliam), Calva Hamlet Watson (Wootton), Louise Burks Cox (Carper) and Mary Williamson Hundley, started their own sorority, and they called it Alpha Sigma Alpha.

Below are links to posts about previous #WHM profiles. I invite you to learn more about these interesting women.

Cynthia Coolbaugh was an initiate of the James Madison University chapter.

Cynthia Coolbaugh, Alpha Sigma Alpha, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2024


Betty Mallue was an initiate of the Buffalo State Teacher’s College chapter.

Betty Mallue, Alpha Sigma Alpha, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2023


Carlotta Corpron was an initiate of the chapter at Michigan State Normal College  (Eastern Michigan University).

Carlotta Corpron, Alpha Sigma Alpha, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2022


Ann Brewington was an initiate of the chapter at State Teacher’s College (now Truman State) in Kirksville, Missouri.  

Ann Brewington, Alpha Sigma Alpha, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2021


Leona Wilcox was a charter member of the Drake University chapter.

Leona Wilcox, Alpha Sigma Alpha, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2020


Dorcas Bates Reilly was an initiate of the Drexel University chapter.

A Green Bean Casserole for Alpha Sigma Alpha’s Founders’ Day


Denise Swanson is an initiate of the Loyola University (IL) chapter.

Denise Swanson, Alpha Sigma Alpha, #WHM2018, #notablesororitywomen


Elva Doyle Reed was an initiate of the chapter at State Teacher’s College (now Truman State) in Kirksville, Missouri.  

Screenshot (49)

#WHM – Elva Doyle Reed, Alpha Sigma Alpha


Freida Joy Riley was an initiate of the Alpha Sigma Alpha chapter at Concord College

Freida Joy Riley

Alpha Sigma Alpha’s Founders’ Day and an Outstanding Educator, Freida Joy Riley


Wilma Wilson Sharp was a charter member of the Central Missouri State University chapter.

Alpha Sigma Alpha and Wilma Wilson Sharp


Beth Harkness was an initiate of of the Fort Hays Kansas State College.


Alpha Sigma Alpha and a WWII Prisoner of War

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Alpha Phi, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2025

Alpha Phi is the oldest of the Syracuse Triad, the three women’s National Panhellenic Conference organizations founded at Syracuse University in upstate New York. The triad consists of Alpha Phi, Gamma Phi Beta and Alpha Gamma Delta. A chapter of Delta Kappa Epsilon was established at Syracuse University in 1871.  In September of 1872,  Martha Foote (Crowe), Clara Sittser (Williams) and Kate Hogoboom (Gilbert) discussed  the situation. Foote led the charge and pondered the thought of women  having fraternal organizations comparable to the ones the men enjoyed.  They  invited all the college women to discuss the possibility.

In September 1872, 10 women – the original three and Jane Higham, Clara Bradley (Burdette), Louise Shepherd (Hancock), Florence Chidester (Lukens), Ida Gilbert (Houghton), Elizabeth Grace (Hubbell), and Rena  Michaels (Atchinson) met and pledged allegiance to the sisterhood.  Minutes from the first meeting noted that Michaels was chosen president, plans were  made for weekly meetings at which literary exercises would be part of the  program, and a 25¢ tax was levied for the purchase of a secretary’s book.  The  first debate was “Resolved – that women have their rights.” Founders’ Day is celebrated on October 10.

Below are links to posts about previous #WHM profiles. I invite you to learn more about these interesting women.

Rhoda Muriel Ivimey, M.D., was an initiate of the Barnard College chapter.

Rhoda Muriel Ivimey, M.D., Alpha Phi, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2024


Nancy Osborn Brataas was an initiate of the University of Minnesota chapter.

Nancy Osborn Brataas, Alpha Phi, #NotableSororityWomen #WHM2023


Georgia Neese Clark Gray was an initiate of the Washburn College chapter.

Georgia Neese Clark Gray, Alpha Phi, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2022


Irene Osgood Andrews was an initiate of the University of Wisconsin chapter.

Irene Osgood Andrews, Alpha Phi, #NotableSororityWoman, #WHM2021


Louise Fargo Brown, Ph.D., was an initiate of the Cornell University chapter.

Louise Fargo Brown, Ph.D., Alpha Phi, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2020


May Hurlburt Smith was an initiate of the Stanford University chapter.

May Hurlburt Smith, Alpha Phi, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2019


Mary Lockey, Alpha Phi, #WHM2018, #notablesororitywomen

Mary Lockey, Alpha Phi, #WHM2018, #notablesororitywomen


Eva Orrick Bandel Wilson was an initiate of the Woman’s College of Baltimore (Goucher College) chapter.

Eva Orrick Bandel Wilson, Alpha Phi, #notablesororitywomen #WHM2017


Annie Marie Tremaine, M.D., was an initiate of the Cornell University chapter.

Dr. Annie Marie

#WHM – Annie Marie Tremaine, M.D., Alpha Phi


Frances Willard was an  Honorary Member and served as National President from 1888-1889. She was instrumental in establishing the Beta chapter at Northwestern University.

Frances Willard on Alpha Phi’s Founders’ Day


Clara Bradley Burdette was an Alpha Phi Founder

Clara Bradley Burdette’s Bells on Alpha Phi’s Founders’ Day


Elizabeth Northup was an initiate of the Boston University chapter.

Elizabeth Northup on Alpha Phi’s Founders’ Day


Ina (pronounced E-nah) Gittings was an initiate of the University of Nebraska chapter.

Ina Gittings, Alpha Phi, #NotableSororityWomen


Jane Marie Bancroft Robinson was an initiate of the Syracuse University chapter.

Jane Marie Bancroft Robinson, Alpha Phi, Active in Deaconess Work

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Alpha Omicron Pi, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2025

Alpha Omicron Pi was founded on January 2, 1897, at the home of Helen St. Clair (Mullan). She and three of her Barnard College friends, Stella George Stern (Perry), Jessie Wallace Hughan, and Elizabeth Heywood Wyman had pledged themselves to the organization on December 23, 1896. That first pledging ceremony took place in a small rarely used upstairs room in the old Columbia College Library.

Below are links to posts about previous #WHM profiles. I invite you to learn more about these interesting women.

Harriet Cone Greve was an initiate of the University of Tennessee chapter.

Harriet Cone Greve, Alpha Omicron Pi, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2024


Lucy Somerville Howorth was an initiate of the Randolph-Macon Woman’s College (now Randolph College) chapter.

Lucy Somerville Howorth, Alpha Omicron Pi, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2023


Wilkie Hughes was an initiate of the Indiana University chapter.

Wilkie Hughes, Alpha Omicron Pi, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2022


Dorothy Mayo Morris, was an initiate of the University of Maine chapter.

Dorothy Mayo Morris, Alpha Omicron Pi, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHW2021


Irma Sompayrac Willard was an initiate of the Sophie Newcomb (now Tulane University) chapter.

Irma Sompayrac Willard, Alpha Omicron Pi, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2020


Mary Donlon was an initiate of the Cornell University chapter.

Mary Donlon, Alpha Omicron Pi, #NotableSororityWomen #WHM2019


Gertrude Falkenhagen (Bonde) was an initiate of the University of Minnesota chapter.

Gertrude Falkenhagen (Bonde), Alpha Omicron Pi, #notablesororitywomen, #WHM2017


Jessie Wallace Hughan, Ph.D., was a Founder of Alpha Omicron Pi

Jessie Hughan at about the time Alpha Omicron Pi was founded.

Jessie Wallace Hughan, Ph.D.


Bertha Rembaugh was an initiate of the New York University chapter.

Bertha Rembaugh on Alpha Omicron Pi’s Founders’ Day


Florence Lucas Sanville was a member of the Barnard University chapter.


Florence Lucas Sanville to Celebrate Alpha Omicron Pi #notablesororitywomen


Madeleine Zabriskie Doty was an initiate of the New York University chapter.

Madeleine Zabriskie Doty, Alpha Omicron Pi, #NotableSororityWomen, on Founders’ Day

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Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2025

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated, the first Greek-letter organization for African-American women, was founded on January 15, 1908 by nine young female Howard University students. They were led by the vision of Ethel Hedgeman (Lyle); she had spent several months sharing her idea with her friends. During this time, she was dating her future husband, George Lyle, a charter member of the Beta Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha. 

Below are links to posts about previous #WHM profiles. I invite you to learn more about these interesting women.


Hazel T. Nimmo became a member of the sorority at North Carolina College for Negroes (now North Carolina Central University) in Durham.

Hazel T. Nimmo, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2024


Elizabeth Ross Haynes was a charter member of the Tau Omega chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated in New York City.

Elizabeth Ross Haynes, Alpha Kappa Alpha, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2023


Dr. Bette Catoe Strudwick became a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. during her medical studies.

Dr. Bette Catoe Strudwick, Alpha Kappa Alpha, #NotableSororityWomen, #


Merze Tate, Ph.D., was a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. for most of her adult life having become a member when in Indianapolis.

Merze Tate, Ph.D., Alpha Kappa Alpha, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2021


Thelma Berlack Boozer became a member of the Lambda chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, as a New York University student.

Thelma Berlack Boozer, Alpha Kappa Alpha, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2020


Etta Moten Barnett became a member of the sorority while a student at the University of Kansas.

Etta Moten Barnett, Alpha Kappa Alpha, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2019


Althea Gibson was a member of the Beta Alpha chapter.

Althea Gibson was the first African American to appear on the cover of Sports Illustrated

Althea Gibson, Alpha Kappa Alpha, #WHM2018, #notablesororitywomen


The movie Hidden Figures features three National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) mathematicians – Katherine Coleman Goble Johnson, Dorothy Johnson Vaughan, and Mary Winston Jackson. All three were initiates of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.

Katherine Johnson


Dorothy Johnson Vaughan

Mary Winston Jackson

Hidden Figures on Alpha Kappa Alpha Founding Day


Anna J. Cooper, Ph.D., was a member of the Xi Omega chapter.

Anna J. Cooper, Ph.D., on Alpha Kappa Alpha’s Founding Day


Maudelle Brown Bousfield joined the Theta Omega graduate chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. which was chartered on November 5th, 1922.

Maudelle Brown Bousfield, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.

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Alpha Gamma Delta, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2025

Alpha Gamma Delta was founded at Syracuse University on May 30, 1904 at the home of Dr. Wellesley Perry Coddington, a Syracuse University professor. Alpha Gamma Delta is the youngest of the Syracuse Triad, the three NPC organizations founded at Syracuse University. The other two, Alpha Phi and Gamma Phi Beta, were founded in 1872 and 1874, respectively.

Below are links to posts about previous #WHM profiles. I invite you to learn more about these interesting women.


Mignon Good Eberhart was an initiate of the Nebraska Wesleyan chapter.

Mignon Good Eberhart, Alpha Gamma Delta, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2024


Edith Brownsill, M.D., was an initiate of the University of California, Berkeley chapter.

Edith Brownsill, M.D., Alpha Gamma Delta, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2023


Jacqueline Jenkins-Nye, Ph.D.,was an initiate of the Goucher College chapter.

Jacqueline Jenkins-Nye, Ph.D., Alpha Gamma Delta, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2022


Dr. Nora Brandenburg was an initiate of the Nebraska Wesleyan College chapter.

Dr. Nora Brandenburg, Alpha Gamma Delta, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2021


Dr. Helen Binnie Zank, was an initiate of the University of Wisconsin chapter.

Dr. Helen Binnie Zank, Alpha Gamma Delta, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2020


Elizabeth Corbett was an initiate of the University of Wisconsin chapter.

Elizabeth Corbett, Alpha Gamma Delta, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2019


Emily Butterfield is a Founder of Alpha Gamma Delta.

Emily Butterfield, Alpha Gamma Delta, #WHM2018, #notablesororitywomen


Two Alpha Gamma Delta Yeomanettes were initiates of the University of Washington chapter.

Two Alpha Gamma Delta Yeomanettes, #notablesororitywomen, #WHM2017


Dikka Bothne Brown was an initiate of the University of Minnesota chapter.

The Delta Chapter of Alpha Gamma Delta

#WHM – Dikka Bothne Brown, Mezzo Soprano and Alpha Gamma Delta


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Phi Mu, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2025

Phi Mu was founded on January 4, 1852, at Wesleyan College in Macon, Georgia. Originally known as the Philomathean Society, it and Alpha Delta Pi, also founded at Wesleyan College, are known as the “Macon Magnolias.” Phi Mu was founded by Mary DuPont Lines, Mary Myrick Daniel and Martha Hardaway Redding. The founding was publicly announced on March 4, 1852, the day that is celebrated as Founders’ Day. On August 1, 1904, the group received a charter from the state of Georgia and was established as Phi Mu Fraternity. The second chapter was founded at Hollins College in 1904. Phi Mu joined the National Panhellenic Conference in 1911.

Below are links to posts about previous #WHM profiles. I invite you to learn more about these interesting women.


Jean Messecar Caldwell was an initiate of the University of Tulsa chapter.

Jean Messecar Caldwell, Phi Mu, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2024


Mary Wickes (Mary Isabella Wickenhauser) was an initiate of the Washington University chapter.

Mary Wickes, Phi Mu, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2023


Clara Backus Floyd Gehan was an initiate of the Brenau College chapter.

Clara Backus Floyd Gehan, Phi Mu, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2022


Ruth Levensalor Crowley was an initiate of the Colby College chapter.

Ruth Levensalor Crowley, Phi Mu, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2021


Ildra Jessup Larson was an initiate of the Knox College chapter.

Ildra Jessup Larson, Phi Mu, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2020


Mary Ellen Weber, Ph.D., is an initiate of the Purdue University chapter.

Mary Ellen Weber, Ph.D., Phi Mu, #NotableSororityWomen #WHM2019


Hazel Hartzog Tow, was an initiate of the University of Southern California chapter.

Hazel Hartzog Tow, Phi Mu, #WHM2018, #notablesororitywomen


Grace Lumpkin was an initiate of the Brenau College chapter.

Grace Lumpkin, Phi Mu, #notablesororitywomen #WHM2017


Jerrie Mock was an initiate of the Ohio State University chapter.


#WHM – Phi Mu’s Jerrie Mock, Aviator Extraordinaire


Zenobia Wooten Keller was an initiate of the Belmont College chapter.

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Alpha Epsilon Phi, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2025

Alpha Epsilon Phi was founded in 1909 at Barnard College in New York City. It was founded in Helen Phillips’ room. She had the inspiration for the group as a way to stay in closer contact with her friends. The other founders are Ida Beck, Rose Gerstein, Augustina “Tina” Hess, Lee Reiss, Stella Strauss and Rose Salmowitz.

Below are links to posts about previous #WHM profiles. I invite you to learn more about these interesting women.


Marcia Josel Levin, M.D. was initiated at the University of California, Berkeley.

Marcia Josel Levin, M.D., Alpha Epsilon Phi, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2024


Hortense Greenman Brozman,  was an initiate University of Texas chapter.

Hortense Greenman Brozman, Alpha Epsilon Phi, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2023


Bessie Margolin, was an initiate of the Sophie Newcomb College (now Tulane University) chapter.

Bessie Margolin, Alpha Epsilon Phi, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2022


Rosaline Greene, became a member of the New York University chapter and then transferred to SUNY, Albany.

Rosaline Greene, Alpha Epsilon Phi, #NotableSororityWoman, #WHM2021


Ruth Freeman Solomon was an initiate of the Syracuse University chapter.

Ruth Freeman Solomon, Alpha Epsilon Phi, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2020


Lillian Copeland was an initiate of the University of Southern California chapter.

Lillian Copeland, Alpha Epsilon Phi, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2019


Dinah Shore was a member of the Vanderbilt University chapter.

Dinah Shore, Alpha Epsilon Phi, #WHM2018, #notablesororitywomen


Gertrude Friedlander Markel was an initiate of the University of Pittsburgh chapter.

Getrude Friedlander and her Alpha Epsilon Phi sisters at the University of Pittsburgh

#WHM – Gertrude Friedlander Markel, Lawyer and Alpha Epsilon Phi


Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was an initiate of the Cornell University chapter.

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Alpha Epsilon Phi

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Alpha Delta Pi, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2025

On May 15, 1851, Alpha Delta Pi was founded as the Adelphean Society at Wesleyan Female College in Macon, Georgia, by six young women. The founders are Eugenia Tucker Fitzgerald, Ella Pierce Turner, Octavia Andrew Rush, Mary Evans Glass, Sophronia Woodruff Dews, and Elizabeth Williams Mitchell.  Fitzgerald, known to generations of Alpha Delta Pis as “Mother Fitzgerald,” was the leader and first president of the Adelpheans.

In 1905, the Society changed its name to Alpha Delta Phi and installed its second chapter at Salem College in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. A year later, a third chapter was founded at Mary Baldwin Seminary, in Staunton, Virginia. Alpha Delta Phi joined the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) in 1909. The installation of the Sigma Chapter at the University of Illinois in 1912 came shortly after the installation, on the same campus, of the Illinois Chapter of Alpha Delta Phi, a men’s fraternity founded in 1832 at Hamilton College in Clinton, New York.  The Illinois members made their organization aware of this duplication of name and the problems that surfaced because of it. In 1913, the convention body voted to change the name to Alpha Delta Pi.

Below are links to posts about previous #WHM profiles. I invite you to learn more about these interesting women.


Florence M. Rohr was an initiate of the Brenau College chapter.

Florence M. Rohr, Alpha Delta Pi, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2024


June Wuest Becht was an initiate of the University of Missouri chapter.

June Wuest Becht, Alpha Delta Pi, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2023


Irene Roberta Price was an initiate of the Trinity College (now Duke University) chapter.

Irene Roberta Price, Alpha Delta Pi, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2022


Emma Harper Applegate was an initiate of the Lawrence College (now University) chapter.

Emma Harper Applegate, Alpha Delta Pi, #NotableSororityWoman, #WHM2021


Katherine Van Winkle Palmer, Ph.D. was an initiate of the University of Washington chapter.

Katherine Van Winkle Palmer, Ph.D., Alpha Delta Pi, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2020


Lois Miles Zucker was an initiate of the University of Illinois chapter.

Lois Miles Zucker, Alpha Delta Pi, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2019


Dr. Sara Branham was an initiate of the Wesleyan College chapter.

Dr. Sara Branham, Alpha Delta Pi, #WHM2018, #notablesororitywomen


Jeanette Barrows was a member of the University of Washington chapter.

Jeanette Barrows, Alpha Delta Pi, #notablesororitywomen #WHM2017


Doris Holmes Blake was an initiate of the Boston University chapter.

Doris Holmes Blake, Alpha Delta Pi

Doris Holmes Blake, Alpha Delta Pi #notablesororitywomen


Gladys Gilpatrick was an initiate of the University of Illinois chapter.

Gladys Gilpatrick is in the top right hand corner in this 1917 photo of the Sigma Chapter of Alpha Delta Pi at the University of Illinois taken from the 1917 Illio.

#WHM – Gladys Gilpatrick, AΔΠ, and the Pillar in Memorial Stadium

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