After I published the last post, I remembered some of the things I meant to include, so technically, I am still playing GLO catch up. Thanks for reading along and indulging.
The minute it was posted, I realized that I forgot to acknowledge cartoonist Mort Walker’s death. Lyn Harris, Chi Omega’s Archivist sent me the photo she snapped while touring Kappa Sigma’s HQ recently. Walker originated the Beetle Bailey and Hi and Lois comic strips and his fraternity brothers and experiences often made their way into the comic strip. He served as president of the Kappa Sig chapter at the University of Missouri. A bronze statue of Beetle Bailey is on campus.

Photo taken by Lyn Harris, Chi Omega’s Archivist on a tour of the Kappa Sigma HQ.
Barry Hinson, Southern Illinois University Carbondale’s basketball coach, is an alumnus of FarmHouse Fraternity. He recently celebrated his 300th career win.
I learned that Carol Coordt, Kappa Delta’s 2nd Alternate NPC Delegate and a reader of his blog has attended every Kappa Delta convention since her first in 1963. She is Kappa Delta’s Sis Mullis or maybe Sis Mullis is Pi Phi’s Carol Coordt. Impressive stats from two impressive women!
The Grammys have come and gone, but this is an interesting tidbit about a Phi Mu alumna.
And yet another interesting tweet about a mother and daughter who share NPC bonds.
Last week at Pi Beta Phi’s College Weekend, I had to smile knowing that the women who were leading the session I sat in on were members of Alpha Chi Omega and Alpha Xi Delta. It’s NPC love at its best. And here is another indication of NPC women spreading the love of our organizations.
Hank Nuwer tweeted that February 4 was the one year anniversary of Tim Piazza’s death at Penn State’s Beta Theta Pi house. Later this month on February 24, it is will mark the 40th anniversary of the death of Chuck Stenzel at the Klan Alpine house at Alfred University. Eileen Stevens turned her grief into making college students aware of the consequences of hazing. If only every new member of every fraternity on every campus had to see the grief and despair of a parent who has lost a child to senseless and dangerous hazing activity then perhaps it would stop. My heart breaks for the parents who are left to pick up the pieces of these unlawful acts.
Over the weekend, I learned that a Pi Phi friend, Julie Geiger (Shannon) Mercer passed away. She was an alumna of the University of Kentucky chapter. We became Pi Phi Directors together in 1993. The world will be a little less bright. Last summer, I drove to Clarksville, Tennessee, for lunch with Julie and two other Pi Phi friends. I am glad I spent six hours in the car. The two hours with Julie and friends was worth every minute. My condolences to her husband Evan and her family and friends.

Julie is on the right in this picture taken in Clarksville in April 2017.