Unfortunately, these things need titles. Quarantine Diversons, GLO History Style is not the greatest title. I loved writing the #WHM2020 profiles in March because I spent much of the day researching and writing and the challenge of doing 31 profiles kept me focused. It’s mid-April and posts have been sparse. There are a few more Founders’ Days this month and I am hoping to at least cover the sorority ones. This post is a little this-a and a little that-a, with an emphasis on the latter. (Extra points for recognizing the Damn Yankees reference)
A Problem to Solve

A man in Providence, Rhode Island, found this while cleaning a parking lot at a restaurant. He hopes we can find the owner. Let’s try! A friend identified it as something Auburn Pi Phis gave out to pref attendees, but the one she has does not have a date on it. Other chapters may have given them out, too. There is a chance that this was owned by someone who went to a pref party at Pi Phi and joined another organization. It’s a small Revere bowl, not a large one, but 1970s was a time for FRILLS. Contact me via Facebook (the Focus on Fraternity History page) if you have anything that might solve this mystery.
A Podcast to Ponder
Gentry McCreary interviews Aldo Cimino and Dave Westol.

A Tour to Take
Beta Theta Pi’s General Fraternity Archivist and Historian Zac Haines takes viewers on a tour of Beta’s Headquarters in Oxford, Ohio, where it was founded on the campus of Miami University.

A Book to Read
UPS brought this yesterday and I look forward to reading it. It’s available at on-line bookstores near you.

#WHM2020 Posts
If you missed any of the Women’s History Month posts which highlighted 30 sorority women (26 NPC and 4 NPHC members), I encourage you to scroll down the blog and check them out. I love doing these posts because I learn so much. Each group has outstanding women and it is truly a treat to highlight these members.