Rebecca the Raccoon and Her Friend, the First Lady

Mrs. Coolidge and Rebecca the Raccoon at the White House Easter Egg Roll, 1927


The Coolidges had an assortment of pets while in the White House. Many of the pets were gifts. Rebecca Raccoon: The Mischievous, as Mrs. Coolidge named her, was one such gift. It was sent to the White House as a contribution to the Thanksgiving feast. The Coolidges spared her and instead she became an “amiable, domesticated creature and interesting pet.” According to the First Lady, Rebecca like nothing better than “being placed in a bath tub with a little water in it and given a cake of soap with which to play.” The Coolidges found a companion for Rebecca and named him Reuben, but Reuben escaped many times. Rebecca was eventually given to a zoo.

To tie this into fraternity history, I will note that the photo above was taken in April.  Pi Beta Phi’s Eastern Conference also took place in April. In 1924, the Eastern Conference was the event where Pi Beta Phi gave the official portrait of the First Lady to the Nation. Grace Goodhue Coolidge was a charter member of the Vermont Beta Chapter of Pi Beta Phi at the University of Vermont. More information about the Eastern Conference can be found on Pi Beta Phi’s web-site.

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