September 11, 2001 and the Fraternity and Sorority Members Who Perished

It seems like a long time ago and 2001 was a long time ago, especially to someone who is in college today. A newborn then is a full fledged adult now. Fashions that were spot on in 2001 seem very outdated. The 2001 composite in any random fraternity or sorority house probably has been rotated into the basement or attic or to the landfill. Do today’s college freshman have any sense of how earth shattering that day was? In the blink of an eye, lives were cut short and hearts were broken. Plans were crushed and futures changed.

I put together a list of the members of Greek-letter organizations who perished in the events of September 11, 2001 with some help from others. Information was cross-checked to determine the proper spelling of names; I noted college affiliations when they were available. If there are additional names, corrections, etc., please let me know.

Let us not forget their names. As Oscar Hammerstein wrote in Carousel “As long as there is one person on earth who remembers you, it isn’t over.” Please let us not forget their names.

I’ve listed the men’s social organizations alphabetically by fraternity name. The women’s organizations follow after that. The list closes with honorary and professional Greek-letter organizations and local fraternities.

Men’s Social Organizations

Alpha Delta Phi

Jeremy Glick, University of Rochester

Patrick S. Murphy, University of Virginia

Alpha Epsilon Pi

Morton H. Frank, Syracuse University

Barry Glick, Randolph Macon College

Steven Goldstein, University of Michigan

Joshua Rosenblum

Andrew Zucker

Alpha Phi Delta

Christopher Mozzillo, St. John’s University

Robert Tipaldi

Alpha Tau Omega

Robert “Rob” Lenoir, Duke University

Craig Lilore, Muhlenberg College

Donald Peterson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Beta Theta Pi

Ryan A. Kohart, University of North Carolina

Frederick Kuo, Jr., Carnegie Mellon University

Jon A. Perconti, Rutgers University

Lt. Colonel Karl W. Teepe, University of Illinois

Todd C. Weaver, Miami University 

Chi Phi

Timothy “T.J.” Hargrave, Stevens Institute of Technology

Michael Horn, Binghamton University

Eric Thorpe, Lafayette College

Chi Psi

Mark K. Bingham, University of California – Berkeley

Commander Robert A. Schlegel, Washington and Lee University

Michael A. Tanner, Cornell University

Adam S. White, University of Colorado

Delta Chi

Jayceryll M. DeChavez, Rutgers University

M. Blake Wallens, Cornell University

Delta Sigma Phi

Bart Ruggiere, University of Wisconsin – Oshkosh

Delta Kappa Epsilon

David O. Campbell, Rutgers University

Delta Phi

Edward R. Pykon, Lehigh University

Delta Tau Delta

Brian Cummins, University of Colorado

Kevin D. Marlo, University of Pittsburgh

Christopher Todd Pitman, Duke University

Delta Upsilon

Thomas Duffy, Union College

Ron Fazio

Aaron Jeremy Jacobs, Colgate University

Charles Zion

Kappa Alpha Order

Robert Maxwell, University of Texas at Arlington

Christopher D. Mello, Princeton University

David Suarez, Pennsylvania State University

Kappa Alpha Psi

James D. Debeuneure, Johnson C. Smith College

Eddie Dillard, Bishop College

Kappa Delta Rho

Bradley Fetchet, Bucknell University

Mark Ryan McGinley, Bucknell University

Kappa Sigma

Fredric Gabler, Cornell University

Jeffrey Brian Gardner, Rutgers University

Andrew H. Golkin, Hobart College

Richard B. Madden, Denison University

James Robert Paul, University of Kentucky

William P. Tselepis, Jr., University of Illinois

Lambda Chi Alpha

Donald A. Delapenha, Baldwin-Wallace College

Chris Dincuff, Villanova University

Robert Higley II, University of Connecticut

Todd R. Hill, University of Massachusetts

Robert Hymel, University of Louisiana, Lafayette

Justin J. Molisani, Jr., Lycoming College

Jarrold Paskins, University of Nebraska – Omaha

Dean Thomas, University of Pittsburgh

Ken Walsh, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania

Phi Delta Theta

Swede Chevalier, Cornell University

Thomas R. Clark, University of Richmond

Terence Gazzani, Bentley College

Donald T. Jones, University of Richmond

Mike LaForte, Syracuse University

Edward “Ted” H. Luckett, Ohio Wesleyan University

Sean P. Lynch, Cornell University

A. Todd Rancke, Duke University

Robert  Andrew “Andy” Spencer, University of Maryland

Phi Gamma Delta

Steve Glick, Northwestern University

William Godshalk, University of Alabama 

Rajesh Mirpuri, University of Vermont 

Charles Murphy, Syracuse University

Michael Pescherine, Penn State University 

Michael San Phillip, University of Pennsylvania

Phi Kappa Psi

Douglas M. Cherry, Ohio Wesleyan University

Michael “Desi” McCarthy, University of Buffalo

Phi Kappa Sigma

Kevin Reilly, SUNY Oneonta

Stephen G. Ward, University of Maine

Brent Woodall, University of California – Berkeley

Phi Kappa Tau

Peter Mardikian, Ohio State University

Philip Parker, Muhlenberg College

Phi Kappa Theta

William Otto Casper, Kansas State University

Robert J. Ferris, Ohio State University

Phi Mu Delta

Robert LeBlanc, University of New Hampshire

Phi Sigma Kappa

Andrew Fredericks, Union College

Pi Kappa Alpha

John Grazioso, Florida Institute of Technology

James Brian Reilly, College of William and Mary

Joshua Rosenblum, University of Colorado

Davis G. “Deeg” Sezna Jr., Vanderbilt University

John “Eddie” Willett, University of Missouri

Pi Kappa Phi

Joseph Peter Anchundia, Longwood University

Peter Apollo, University of South Carolina

Edward Thomas Keane, New Jersey Institute of Technology

Leo Russell Keene, III, University of Tampa

Pi Lambda Phi

James Lee “Jimmy” Connor, II, College of William and Mary

Michael Hardy Edwards, College of William and Mary

Mark Ludvigsen, College of William and Mary

John A. Ogonowski, Lowell Technical Institute

Scott Vassel, Fairleigh Dickinson University

Psi Upsilon

Lee Adler, Kenyon College

Brandon Dolan, University of Rochester

Alexander Steinman, Union College

Richard Woodwell, Dartmouth College

Sigma Alpha Epsilon

Dennis Cook, Villanova University

Michael Davidson, Rutgers University

Michael B. Finnegan, University of Richmond

Major Wallace C. Hogan, Valdosta State University

Eamon McEneaney, Cornell University

James Andrew O’Grady, University of California – Los Angeles

Robert A. Rasmussen, North Dakota State University

Sigma Alpha Mu

Nicholas C. Lassman

Laurance M. Polatsch, University of Michigan

Gregory D. Richards, University of Michigan

Scott H. Saber, SUNY Lehigh

Brian J. Terrenzi, SUNY Oneonta

Scott J. Weingard, University of Michigan

Brian P. Williams, Columbia University

Sigma Chi

Don Adams, Fairleigh Dickinson University

Terence E. “Ted” Adderley, Jr.,  Vanderbilt University

Kevin Cleary, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Keith Eugene Coleman, Bucknell University

John Hart, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Aram Iskenderian, Jr., University of Rochester

Glenn D. Kirwin, University of Virginia

Stephen LaMantia, Roanoke College

Todd Douglas Pelino, Colgate University

David Eliot Retik, Colgate University

Sigma Nu

Peter Christopher Frank, University of Delaware

James Andrew Gadiel, Washington and Lee University

Lt. Michael Scott Lamana, Louisiana State University

Karl Trumbull Smith, Sr., University of Delaware

Sigma Phi

Ceasar Augusto Murillo, University of Vermont

Sigma Phi Epsilon

Paul Acquaviva, Rutgers University

Daniel Afflitto, St. Joseph’s University

Thomas W. Hohlweck, Jr., Kentucky Wesleyan College

Montgomery “Monte” McCullough Hord, University of Nebraska

Christopher Larabee, University of Arizona

Terry M. Lynch, Youngstown State University

Gregory Malone, Lehigh University

Gregory Milanowyicz, St. Joseph’s University

Joshua S. Reiss, University of South Carolina

Tau Delta Phi

George John Stauch

Tau Epsilon Phi

Todd Reubin

Tau Kappa Epsilon

Douglas A. Gowell, University of Lowell

Steven D. Jacoby, Shippensburg University

Michael J. Mullin, SUNY Oneonta

Sgt. Major Larry L. Strickland, University of Washington

John C. Willett, Rockhurst University

Theta Chi

Craig M. Blass, James Madison University

Mark A. Brisman, SUNY Albany

Scott T. Coleman, Colgate University

John W. Farrell, West Virginia Wesleyan College

J. Nicholas Humber, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Gary F. Lutnick, Rider University

Mark E. Schurmeier, Wake Forest University

William C. Sugra, Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Jon C. Vandevander, Lycoming College

Patrick A. Versage, Wagner College (He was a first responder and assisted with recovery efforts.  He died October 5, 2014.)

Theta Delta Chi

James Brian Reilly, College of William and Mary

Michael J. Simon, Hobart College


Alok Metha, Colorado State University

Zeta Beta Tau

Joseph Aron

Joseph A. Della Pietra

Jason Jacobs, Syracuse University

Zeta Psi

Dennis Cook, Villanova University

Michael Davidson, Rutgers University

Gopal Varadhan, New York University


At each Chi Psi Convention, there is a Mark Bingham Memorial 5k. It honors the memory of Bingham, passenger onboard United Airlines flight 93 on September 11, 2001. He and three other passengers attempted to retake the plane from the hijackers which resulted in the plane crashing into a field near Shanksville, PA, thwarting the hijackers plan to crash the plane into a building in Washington D.C.

This bench near Murkland Hall at the University of New Hampshire where Robert LeBlanc, Phi Mu Delta, taught geography.

 Women’s Social Organizations

Alpha Chi Omega

Kathy Nicosia, Bowling Green State University

Alpha Kappa Alpha

Sarah Clark

Alpha Delta Pi

Lynn Edwards Angell, Auburn University

Lauren Catuzzi Grandcolas, University of Texas

Cathy Salter, University of Cincinnati

Alpha Phi

Kristy Irvine Ryan, University of Dayton

Delta Delta Delta

Alysia Burton Basmajian, College of William and Mary

Kirsten Thompson Christophe, Michigan State University

Jeannine Damiani-Jones, Villanova University

Mary Lou Hague, University of North Carolina

Ann Campana Judge, Ohio Wesleyan University

Bonnie Shihadeh Smithwick, Bucknell University

Delta Gamma

Melissa Candida Doi, Northwestern University

Delta Phi Epsilon

Shari Kandell, Syracuse University

Gabriela Waisman, Queens College

Delta Sigma Theta

LTC Karen Wagner

Delta Zeta

Alicia Titus, Miami University

Melissa Vincent, SUNY Oswego

Kappa Delta

Kelly Ann Booms, Miami University

Colleen Monica Supinski, Susquehanna University

Kappa Kappa Gamma

Jen Kane, Villanova University

Jean Roger, Penn State University

Kaleen Pezzutti, Cornell University

Norma Lang Steurle, Carnegie Mellon University

Phi Mu

Sneha Philip, Johns Hopkins University

Pi Beta Phi

Melissa Harrington Hughes, Dickinson College

Catherine MacRae, Princeton University

Mary Alice Shehan Wahlstrom, Ohio State University

Sigma Delta Tau

Michelle Renee Bratton, SUNY Oswego

Sigma Sigma Sigma

Alisha Levin, Hofstra University

Alpha Kappa Alpha jacket which belonged to Sarah Clark. It is in the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History Culture. Photo courtesy of NMAAHC.

Photo by Ann Dahne, a Phi Mu, who was honoring the memory of her Phi Mu sister Sneha Anne Philip. The quatrefoil was placed there for the picture and is not part of the 9/11 memorial.

Honorary, Service and Professional Fraternities

I am almost certain there are more than these few who belonged to these organizations. These are the ones I found while looking for other information. If you have knowledge of others, please let me know.

Alpha Kappa Psi (Coeducational Business Fraternity)

Tom Burnett, University of Minnesota

Alpha Phi Omega

Shawn E. Bowman, Jr. SUNY Albany

Delta Sigma Pi  (Coeducational Business Fraternity)

Kelly Booms, Miami University (Ohio)

Marni Pont-O’Doherty, New York University

Sandra Teague, University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Amy Toyen, Bentley College

Omicron Delta Kappa Society

Paul Ambrose, Marshall University

Phi Beta Kappa

Christopher Ciafardini, University of Colorado

Local fraternities

James Patrick Berger, Zeta Rho, Villanova University. Zeta Rho became the Kappa Zeta Chapter of Sigma Nu.

James J. Kelly, Delta Kappa Tau, SUNY Geneseo

Jeff LeVeen, Phoenix House, Dartmouth. Phoenix House had been Phi Gamma Delta.

Charles Margiotta, Delta Tau, Brown University

David Pruim, Emersonian, Hope College

Francis J. Skidmore, Jr., Kappa Sigma Phi, Duquesne University

(This list was put together using the lists of September 11, 2001 victims information as well as the information on Hank Nuwer’s website which was compiled in the days immediately after the tragedy,  Jon Williamson’s list published in the Summer 2002 Kleos of Alpha Phi Delta, and the list currently on the NIC website. I thank them all.)


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