Sigma Delta Tau, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2025

On March 25, 1917, seven young Jewish women founded Sigma Delta Tau at Cornell University. Its founders are Dora Bloom (Turteltaub), Inez Dane Ross, Amy Apfel (Tishman), Regene Freund (Cohane), Marian Gerber (Greenberg), Lenore Blanche Rubinow, and Grace Srenco (Grossman). Bloom asked Nathan Caleb House  to write the ritual. “Brother Nat”  is the only man to honored with the organization’s gold membership pin.

Below are links to posts about previous #WHM profiles. I invite you to learn more about these interesting women.

Dolores “Dee” Chackes Sherman Golden was an initiate of the University of Illinois chapter.

Dolores “Dee” Chackes Sherman Golden, Sigma Delta Tau, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2024


Marilyn Friedman Fernberger was an initiate of the University of Pennsylvania chapter.

Marilyn Friedman Fernberger, Sigma Delta Tau, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2023


Barbara Ann Weintraub Ciongoli was an initiate of the University of Pennsylvania chapter.

Barbara Ann Weintraub Ciongoli, Sigma Delta Tau, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2022


Regine Freund Cohane was a Founder of Sigma Delta Tau.

Regine Freund Cohane, Sigma Delta Tau, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2021


SuEllen Weissman Fried was a charter member of the Washington University chapter.

SuEllen Weissman Fried, Sigma Delta Tau, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2020


Jacquie E. Hirsch was an initiate of the SUNY Geneseo chapter.

Jacquie E. Hirsch, Sigma Delta Tau, #NotableSororityWomen, #WHM2019


Dr. Joyce Brothers was an initiate of the Cornell University chapter.

Dr. Joyce Brothers, 1950s

Dr. Joyce Brothers, Sigma Delta Tau, #WHM2018, #notablesororitywomen


Kate Arlene Goldstein Kamen was an initiate of the University of Nebraska chapter.

Kate Arlene Goldstein (Photo courtesy of the Cornhusker)

#WHM – Kate Arlene Goldstein Kamen, Sigma Delta Tau and Fashion Stylist

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