Ten Years of Blog Posts @GLOHistory

Facebook has a way of reminding me of things. Late last night I saw a Facebook memory that reminded me that I’ve been writing this blog for 10 years. A decade of my ramblings about fraternity and sorority history! Who woulda thunk I’d keep this up for a decade! I never expected anyone to read the posts. It was a way to deal with the sudden death of my sister, my only sibling, at age 51.

And it’s funny, too. Yesterday I tried to write one of the @WHM2022 @NotableSororityWomen posts but I kept hitting dead ends. I started bemoaning the amount of time each one takes. Even then I am not sure I’ve got the facts right. My goal to write a post for each day in March, one for each NPC and NPHC sorority, gets harder each year. I thought perhaps I’d not commit to 30 posts this year.

But I love telling those stories. While each group has those women who are front and center, they all have alumnae who lived good lives, gave their best and did what they could with what they had. Their stories are the ones we rarely hear about. And so I thank you all for reading the posts. And since I put this in writing, I need to get going on these posts.

Thank you for being part of this journey. Some days it is hard to call myself an advocate for fraternities and sororities. When our members do stupid and dangerous and sometimes deadly things, it is difficult to reconcile the best of this experience with the worst of it. This is a conversation I have with myself on a regular basis. But, I still believe that the fraternity and sorority experience, when done well, is one of the best training grounds for life.

Instead of preaching to the choir, I will just give you all my heartfelt thanks for being a part of this community.

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