Syracuse University has the distinction of being home to the first fraternity house owned by women. There were no dormitories for women when Alpha Phi and Gamma Phi Beta were founded in 1872 and 1874, respectively. In 1884, the Alpha Phi chapter gave up the meeting rooms it rented in a downtown bank. According to Alpha Phi Fraternity (1931), plans were made to rent a house “where the out-of-town girls could live and where one room could be used for a chapter hall. The experiment proved a success, and at the end of a year it was suggested that the girls build and own a chapter house.” (p. xxiii)
Jennie Thornburn [Sanford], an 1887 Alpha Phi initiate, recounted the story of Alpha Phi’s chapter house and she gave credit to Grace Latimer [Merrick], for “making practical by figures, by argument and by enthusiasm the possibility of building and owning a house. At first we thought it a crazy idea; it was certainly novel – no girls had ever owned a chapter house.” (Alpha Phi Fraternity, 1931, p. 142)
In May of 1886, a 56’ x 178’ lot at 17 University Place was purchased by the members of Alpha Phi for $1,400, or $25 a front foot (Thomson, 1943). A few of the members’ fathers acted as a Board of Trustees. A $2,500 bank mortgage was arranged and another father loaned the chapter $2,700. The father of a chapter member was himself a building contractor. He contributed his services and asked the firms with which he dealt to contribute some materials. An eyewitness described the start of the building process, “At 2 P.M. June 22, 1886, on the lot opposite the campus of Syracuse University, which had already been purchased by the Alpha Chapter of Alpha Phi, were held the exercises attending the laying of the corner stone of the first chapter house owned by the society. Ida Gilbert DeLamater Houghton, ‘76, one of the founders of the organization, struck the gavel upon the unfinished foundation wall. Carrie Shevelson Benjamin, ‘81, read a paper, at the conclusion of which a song composed by Lydia Thompson ‘83 was sung. After a short address by Chancellor Sims,[1] Dr. W. P. Coddington [2] laid the corner stone in the name of the Alpha Chapter of Alpha Phi. In closing all joined in a familiar college song and the interesting ceremonies were completed. This was the first chapter house built by women and the day was the fourteenth anniversary of the founding of the Alpha Phi society.”(“Alpha’s new home,” 1911, p. 22)
The chapter moved into its new home in November. The chapter hall was dedicated in January, 1887, and on Washington’s birthday, the chapter opened the house to 300 invited guests. In order to pay the mortgages, “it was decided to have the members make an annual subscription to a house fund, each girl giving what she thought she could afford. This was done, the largest amount given being fifty dollars” (“Alpha’s new home,” 1911, p. 23). In 1896, the chapter house was redecorated at a cost of $600. By 1902, the debts had been paid. It was time to move again. The house became too small for the chapter’s 40 members. At the same time, and the Bacon residence on Walnut Park became available. The Bacon family had Alpha Phi members in it. Thirty women could live in the new house.
The old chapter house was sold to the university for dormitory use. The Alpha Phis were allowed to remove the bannisters and muleposts. Gavels and bookends were made and given to collegiate chapters. The stained glass windows were preserved as well. The central window is in the current chapter house. The two side-light windows are at Alpha Phi’s headquarters in Evanston, Illinois.

The Alpha Phi chapter house on University Avenue [4] in Syracuse. It was the first house built and owned by a women’s fraternity. The house was sold in 1902 and the chapter moved to its current home on Walnut Place.
[1] Chancellor Sims was also the father of an Alpha Phi member.
[2] Syracuse University professor Dr. Wellesley Perry Coddington was a popular man among the three women’s fraternities founded at Syracuse. Alpha Gamma Delta was founded in 1904 in Dr. Coddington’s home.
[3] The Bacon home had belonged to the family of an Alpha Phi member.
[4] A 5/5/2013 p.s. not in the dissertation. I have heard and I believe I have read that the Alpha Phi home was located on the land occupied by the Newhouse School of Public Communications complex. I can’t put my hands on that documentation right now. Plugging the address in google maps brings up a location closer to the Medical Center.
From “Coeducation and the History of Women’s Fraternities 1867-1902” by Frances DeSimone Becque, 2002.
(c) Fran Becque,, 2013.