How does one write about loss, especially the loss of one so young? College students should not die while in college. It breaks my heart every time I read of college students whose lives are cut short. The death of Samantha Josephson was especially heartbreaking. My condolences to her family, friends and Alpha Gamma Delta sisters.

#WhatsMyName should become second nature to anyone who is waiting for a ride.
Earlier this week while mired in all the paperwork and sorrow of my father’s passing, I had the strangest twitter contact.
@GLOhistory Hey Frandy. Could I please get a follow little sister.
Frankly, the name of the account gave no clue as to who was asking, but that nickname is one only college friends know. There were two Frans in the chapter and me being the younger of the two made me “Frandy.” And so I blindly followed the account. How fortuitous that I did. It turns out it was my Pi Phi big sister and the woman who initiated me. We spent half a day catching up on 40 years. Picking up where you left off decades ago is something that is so heartwarming and it always brings tears to my eyes when I’ve seen it happen at chapter celebrations. Having it happened to me Monday morning was just what my soul needed.