Next Monday, it’s International Badge Day. Sorority women (and fraternity men, too) are encouraged to wear their badges/pins or letters.

Congratulations to the Penn State University fraternity and sorority members who participated in THON 2020. More than $11 million was raised. Amazing!

And a photo for all the sorority women and fraternity men who attended their organization’s winter conferences. Kudos to the Sig Eps at Arkansas on their recruiting efforts.

#WHM2020 is coming up and I’ve been working on posts – one for each NPC and NPHC group. I try not profile the women listed as notables on each organization’s website, so each post takes a good deal of research. I get caught up in a rabbit hole or two. Sometimes there are questions that I cannot answer despite all the internet resources at hand. Yesterday’s rabbit hole was a husband who seemed to disappear leaving no trace of life. I combed several sites looking for something about his death and found absolutely nothing. If fiction were my forte, there would be a mystery book that came out of that rabbit hole. Sometimes I get hours into a person’s life and have to admit defeat because there are too many unanswered questions. Other times, things seem to go off on a rail like the doctor who lost her medical license in one state and then was arrested for an expired car tag in another state. Needless to say, she did not make the cut. Hope you will follow the posts. If you do not want to subscribe to email updates when a post is published, join the facebook group where each blog post will be linked to the page.